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Crust Network Features and Reviews
Crust Network (CRU)
Crust Network is a blockchain technology that uses Web 3.0 decentralized storage system to integrate and distribute storage resources.
Crust Network (CRU) is a decentralized storage network of the Web3.0 ecosystem that provides an incentive layer for IPFS storage network nodes. Crust Network doubles as a decentralized cloud protocol built on the Polkadot Substrate framework that serves as an incentive layer for IPFS storage nodes. Crust uses Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) hardware technology to solve the problem of node workload reporting, which is a problem with IPFS nodes all over the world. It provides incentives to the node based on the node's workload.
Crust Network allows anyone to broadcast on the chain through its Decentralized Storage Market (DSM). The blockchain network uses an exclusive Content ID (CID) to label uploaded files and, after that, divide the uploaded files into several blocks and then transfer them to the responding nodes through IPFS or other P2P protocols. The CID is unique to secure and ensure that files are not tampered with or faked.
Crust Network secures users' data using the MPoW and GPoS mechanisms. MPoW stands for Meaningful Proof-of-work( MPoW). It ensures that a reported workload is verifiable and credible. Meanwhile, Guaranteed Proof of Stake (GPoS) is a consensus model where participants use storage resources as guarantees. The Crust Network consists of many participants. Participants have unique roles based on their participation methods, including Validator, Candidate, Guarantor, Liquidator, and User.
Product details
Crust Network uses a Web 3.0 decentralized system to provide an on-chain storage market. Crust Network allows blockchain technology to integrate and divide storage resources. Decentralization is at the heart of Web3, which aims to return data ownership to end-users. Web3 aims to create new protocols and infrastructure that allow users to engage without a trusted third-party. It's a storage system that integrates and distributes storage resources using blockchain technology.
Crust Network uses the Content ID to label and retrieve uploaded files. The system labels these files with an exclusive Content ID (CID) when users upload files. After successful data upload to the Crust Network, users would only need to enter the CID of their files to pull the uploaded data whenever they need to read the uploaded file. This exclusive CID ensures that the file is not tampered with or faked. With this feature, users can rest assured that they will get the same copy of the document they stored earlier.
Crust Network uses Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to guarantee data security, confidentiality, and integrity. The Crust Network uses TEE, a secure area on the main processor that ensures the security, confidentiality, and code integrity of data fed into the storage environment. TEE offers a secure environment for data and code execution. Codes and data in a TEE are outside a traditional operating systems' influence, as a result they maintain data security and integrity. TEE functions as an honest supervisor in the Crust Network, checking whether nodes are functioning, verifying if there’s a problem with the data recording, or if there’s any missing user data.
Crust Network uses Meaningful Proof-of-work ( MPoW) to verify updated data. Crust Network uses MPoW to confirm and manage storage resources to establish a decentralized storage network. Workload reports are authenticated and verified with the Meaningful Proof of Stake (MPoW) method. Crust storage nodes bundle and report workload to ensure proper file encryption and security.
Crust Network uses Guaranteed proof of Stake (GPoS) to guarantee and secure users' data. Crust is a GPoS-based blockchain network with PoS-based consensus. Crust Network promises its users a safe, reliable, and efficient experience by providing them with its GPoS consensus mechanism. Crust Network uses its Guaranteed Proof-of-Stake mechanism to offer storage resources as a guarantee for data security.
Crust Network uses many storage-layer protocols such as IPFS to divide and transfer blocks to the responding nodes. Crust Network uses many storage layer systems, including Inter Planetary File Systems (IPFS). It exposes storage interfaces to the application layer. The network divides the uploaded file into several blocks, which will transfer them to the responding nodes through IPFS or other P2P protocols. Furthermore, Crust Network offers a storage interface that’s accessible from the program itself as an attempt to improve its user experience.
Crust Network launched three application scenarios to cooperate with projects to improve the product. Crust has released three applications and has established partnerships with projects to improve the network's offering. The three application scenarios are NFT Data Storage, Decentralized Website Operation and Development, and P2P Content Distribution and Storage.
Crust Network allows easy accessibility, control, and data security. Crust Network prides itself in its convenient and accessible storage interface. Besidest, the platform allows users to control their data and ensure its reliability and security through access control, backups, and data encryption.
Crust Networks help solve data security, privacy, and sovereignty. Crust Network seeks to address some of the most pressing storage concerns, including security, data privacy, and sovereignty. The platform is a decentralized storage network that is on the Polkadot chain. Crust manages to decentralize data storage by allocating files to diverse nodes in the network.
The Crust Network uses Substrate network's GRANDPA/BABE algorithm to reduce attack risk. Crust Network generates blocks using Substrate network's GRANDPA/BABE algorithm to reduce the networks’ vulnerability to attacks since attackers cannot receive CRU tokens. For attackers to penetrate the system, they must gain control of a substantial amount of storage resources to take control of the entire system.
Unlike centralized storage systems, Crust Network ensures file storage on multiple hosts. Users have full control of their data. The platform promises data security, accessibility and reliability by providing encryption and backups.
Crust Network’s MPoW and GPoS ensures data verification, security, and the privacy blockchain technology. The Crust Network provides its users a convenient user experience by providing them an intuitive storage interface they can access with their unique content ID (CID).