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Microsoft Video API

NameMicrosoft Video API

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Microsoft Video API Features and Reviews

Microsoft Video API deep learning software allows users to extract metadata and get valuable insight automatically from their audio and video files.


As an organization’s media library grows larger, it becomes more challenging for an individual to manage content discoverability with limited resources and time. Albeit since media management is a repetitive process, they can benefit from AI-based indexing solutions.

With Microsoft Video API deep learning software, users can extract metadata from spoken words, speakers, faces, celebrities, and emotions. They can also extract such information from written text, scenes, brands, and topics from writeups. The software gives access to data within an infrastructure or application to make it more discoverable to improve user experience.

The software is part of Azure’s Cognitive services that use machine learning to extract deep insights from visuals, vocals, and voices. Users do not need prior knowledge or skills in coding or data analysis. The indexer reduces operational costs and offers new monetization opportunities. It allows deep search while creating more user experiences with fewer entry barriers on large archives of videos.

However, to start enjoying these benefits, users must create their accounts and upload videos. This allows the indexer to analyze the audio and visuals from the video with different AI models to extract insights. They can also customize and train the models.

Product Details

Microsoft Video API deep learning software offers valuable insight from audio and video files. The software automatically extracts metadata from content to improve search experiences, content performance, and discoverability. So, users can search by visual text, person, spoken word, object, emotion, or entity. 

The software allows users to create content that can be accessed by people from any region through different languages. It provides robust information from multichannel analysis for effective search within each file and across several media archives. It also helps people overcome their disabilities. Users can access data within their infrastructure or application.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software improves engagement. Users can add closed captions in several languages easily with the software’s speech transcription and translation ability. They can use the people and objects that appear in the video to improve recommendation algorithms. Plus, they can create clips that feature a particular person automatically from sections of the video.

Users can highlight relevant sections of videos to increase the engagement of their content. Tagging videos with additional metadata

Microsoft Video API deep learning software enables users to generate fresh content in a short time. Users can take pieces of existing content that they are interested in and stitch them together to create a new video. When they get satisfactory results, they can render and download the media in their downstream workflows or editing applications. This is used in creating social media content, trailers, news clips, or highlight reels.

The software provides timestamps, scenes markers, and keyframes to make the accreditation process easier and smoother. That is because it allows users to track the exact sections of the video they need for the creation.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software requires that users adhere to compliance, security, and privacy regulations. No one is permitted to violate the rights of others or cause any harm to them with the use of the software. One must obtain the right to use a video or image before uploading it to the software. Some cases may involve getting legal consent of the individuals involved in the image or video before processing, using, or storing their data in Video Indexer. 

All users of the software are obliged to comply, especially when it involves privacy and security. Using the indexer binds users to the Data Processing Addendum (DPA), Online Services Terms (OST), and the Privacy Statement. So, they can review the agreements to learn how to handle and retain data, including deletion.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software encourages deep search.  The insights extracted from the videos enhance the user's search experience across any video library. One can index faces and spoken words to find parts of the video where some people appeared together or when certain words were spoken. This type of search is used by educational institutes, news agencies, enterprise LOB apps, broadcasters, and any organization with a video library.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software detects, identifies, and groups face. It can identify more than a million celebrities, including politicians, world leaders, researchers, tech leaders, actors,  athletes, and more. The video indexer can train models of specific accounts to recognize faces in videos. It also automatically detects and identifies the best-captured face in a group of faces.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software supports audio transcription. The 12 languages in which the software can convert speech to text, include English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, and Hindi. It identifies the dominant language in a video automatically. Albeit, if the language can not be detected confidently, it assumes that it is English. 

The software reduces noise by clearing up noisy recordings or telephony audio. It maps and understands who spoke a particular word and the time it happened. It identifies audio effects like speech, silence, and handclaps. It also detects emotions in spoken words and the voice tone to tell if it is joy, anger, sadness, or fear. Users can translate audio into 54 languages.

Microsoft Video API deep learning software ensures that the content matches the audience’s values. The software allows users to protect their customers from inappropriate content. Users can choose if they should upload a video as public or private in their privacy settings. While anyone can access public videos, only account members can access private videos. However, if it suspects the content to be inappropriate, it will not allow users to set it as public.


Microsoft Video API deep learning software allows users to get valuable insight from audio and video files. Users can create fresh content within a short time from sections of existing content. The software ensures that content matches an audience’s values and keeps them engaged while providing security through compliance.