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Oracle SQL Developer

NameOracle SQL Developer

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Oracle SQL Developer Features and Reviews

Oracle SQL Developer database management software is a traditional and cloud-based integrated development environment.


Oracle SQL Developer database management software is a graphical version of SQL Plus that helps developers perform basic tasks efficiently. It simplifies the management and development of Oracle Database in both cloud and traditional deployment. They can run SQL statements and scripts, debug and edit PL/SQL code, create and view reports, manipulate and export data, and more.

The software allows users to connect to schemas for MySQL and access third-party databases like Sybase Adaptive Server, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2. They can also view data and metadata in these third-party databases and even migrate them to Oracle Database.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software’s user interface is easy to install and use. With the click of a button, one can execute multiple queries. The software allows users to specify the actions that they want to perform on any database. They can create tables, insert or select data from the tables, create and edit triggers, and save data in files.

It allows developers to move SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MySQL, DB2, and Microsoft Access applications and databases to Oracle. They can connect, browse, and perform queries on third-party databases. They can also map data types between systems, translate stored SQL statements and procedures to Oracle, scan source codes that need translation, and more.

Product Details

Oracle SQL Developer, database management software allows users to explore their database content with the connection tree. When one adjusts the table node, the software shows the connected user’s tables. It supports database object types like Views, Tables, Indexes, Procedures, Queues, Functions, Queue tables, Types, Triggers, Crossedition triggers, and a lot more. Users can also browse content outside the current schema using a schema browser or by expanding the tree nodes of other users. Albeit, they can only view and manipulate objects based on the level of access they have. 

Oracle SQL Developer database management software offers several options for deploying migrated databases. Different rollout methods work well in specific business environments. The developer must consider the user and how the transition phase will affect the business. They can choose to perform migration in phases, where users are migrated in groups. This approach affects only the selected users and makes it easy to tackle the scalability issue that may arise as the number of users increases. Another approach migrates all the users at once and may lead to schedule outages during migration, deployment, and testing. Since this method switches off the original database, it has the advantage of synchronization and minimal data conversion. Albeit, the strategy is disruptive to business and labor-intensive. A third approach maintains both the source and destination databases simultaneously. This method allows users to keep using the source database if the destination database develops problems. Albeit, it will require more resources to maintain both databases.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software displays data in a spreadsheet. The software uses spreadsheets to execute query results and display the contents of tables. Some of its formats include Text, Excel, HTML, Delimited, and Insert statements. Some of its other functionalities include multi-column sorting, search, filtering, and highlighting. Plus, it provides a customized display for specific values.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software provides an IDE for the PL/SQL programming language. It allows users to execute, compile, and refactor functions, types, procedures, packages,  and triggers. The software helps with compilation, debugging, Hierarchical Profiling, Code Templates, and documentation. Plus, it sends Error message feedback that links to the offending source and more.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software provides several predefined reports. Users can run these predefined reports to learn more about the activity, configuration, and content of their database.  Albeit, users have the option to add support through extensions for perforce and CSV. Oracle SQL Developer database management software also allows users to create and share custom reports.

The software enables the reports to accept user-supplied inputs, links to other files, and export to PDF and HTML. If users choose to ship through PDF, they have the option to secure it with a password. With over 50 charting options, the software makes it easier for users to understand and consume large amounts of data. It can consist of one master report and one or more children reports.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software gives admins access to a lot of features. They can configure and manipulate the database, create and manage import and export of data. They can also manage resources such as settings, plans, statistics, and more. For security, the software helps protect customers’ profiles and other sensitive information. It also manages and backs up data.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software enables unit testing for PL/SQL code. It allows users to create tests that show if their programs are working. Users can run these tests from the SQL Developer interface directly, or use the SQL Developer command on an automated build environment. The software makes it easy to copy objects from one database to another and compare them and generate reports and alter scripts. The software also provides an interface for real-time monitoring.

Oracle SQL Developer database management software provides data modeling extensions that can act as stand-alone solutions. Some help users configure, manage, and test some SQL programs. Developers can quickly create, upload, retrieve, and save settings for easier and faster development and testing. So, developers can test PL SQL blocks or queries before publishing them to avoid getting a web server 500 error and not knowing the cause. 

Oracle SQL Developer database management software an efficient migration platform for Oracle databases. Oracle SQL Developer database management software provides users better reliability, scalability,  security, and increased performance. So, it is not uncommon to see organizations migrate to the platform from their current databases.

The software captures data from the source database and displays it in a model that represents the source database in Oracle. It then stores his model in a repository where it is used to generate a converted model with the structure of the destination database. Developers can compare the information in both models to identify conflicts, edits, and check the progress of the migration. The software minimizes the risks involved in migration and helps with total migration that includes stored procedures and triggers.


Developers must consider the users and business needs of the organization to know what to prioritize. This applies to what they create or edit, migration, testing, and any other ways they manipulate databases.