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Salesforce Email Studio

NameSalesforce Email Studio

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Salesforce Email Studio Features and Reviews

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software helps managers and companies to create smart email campaigns, build customer relationships, and increase conversions.


Salesforce Email Studio is an email marketing software that enables businesses to hold meaningful email conversations at key customer life cycle stages. The software is used by digital marketers, nonprofits, and companies. It also has applications in healthcare, construction, media and entertainment, technology, consulting, and more. 

With this software, marketers can build emails and newsletters, including marketing campaigns and personalized emails. The tool offers advanced templates that allow marketers to build compelling emails and strengthen customer relationships with meaningful conversations. Marketers use this software to create high-converting emails using drag and drop editors, reusable content blocks, including text, images, buttons, dynamic content, HTML, and A/B testing.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows users to personalize emails based on demographic data such as subscriber's name, gender, address, age, etc. Marketers can personalize emails using behavioral data like download, purchase history, browsing activity, email opens, etc. Companies can also personalize emails and target the right audience using contextual data like subscriber's location, device type, location, time and data, and more.

 With this software, companies can collect and analyze emails, optimize their marketing strategy to enhance performance. Companies can analyze both positive and negative email results such as open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, deliverability rate, bounce rates, etc. 

Product Details

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software helps companies and marketers create emails that drive engagements. With this software, users can create beautiful and sophisticated messages and emails using an intuitive content builder.

The email software lets organizations reach customers on any device with responsive email design. Marketers can quickly and effortlessly optimize their designs so that their emails appear precisely the way they want wherever customers open them. 

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software lets users build emails and messages using customizable templates. The tool offers the best-in-class templates that allow marketers to quickly get creative with custom content blocks and populate email designs.

Managers can use Salesforce's Email Studio content creation tools to create emails using reusable content blocks, including text, images, buttons, dynamic content, HTML, and A/B testing. The tool offers excellent email deliverability and ensures that relevant emails reach the right person every time.

Companies use this software to deliver dynamic messages that drive engagement and inspire action. Users can harness drag and drop functions, personalized scripting languages, and interactive content like weather reports and carousels to engage customers along their journey with compelling emails. 

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows organizations to target their audience and deliver the right emails.  This software enables marketers to create email segments based on customer profiles, reach out to their ideal audience with great content, and inspire engagement.

The software offers a drag-and-drop email segmentation feature to help users refine and hone their subscriber lists and always deliver relevant emails. With this software, users can filter millions of profiles quickly and get instant counts for sent emails.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software enables users to automate emails and drive productivity. Users can automatically import, segment, and filter data from multiple sources. Marketers can use intelligence to discover the right audience, engage their most active subscribers more often, and improve deliverability by sending emails to inactive subscribers less often.

This email marketing software enables companies to activate first-party email data across multiple channels, push segments to their data management platform (DMP) for better profile targeting. Users can also share segments in Ad Studio and target them across other channels.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows companies to personalize email content and create valuable relationships. This software helps marketers create relevant and engaging email experiences and deliver data-driven content.

With this tool, managers can get the most out of their rich first-party data by using dynamic content to scale personalization across email campaigns. The software uses artificial intelligence (AI) to tailor each email content based on individual user behaviors, create email segments, and automate intelligent messages. Marketers can build messages once, and watch the AI deliver compelling and fresh content time after time and review asset-level metrics to refine content.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows users to analyze contextual, demographic, and behavioral data for email personalization. Marketers can personalize emails based on demographic data such as the subscriber's name, gender, address, age, birth date, and other information. 

The software lets marketers track actions across multiple channels and personalize emails using behavioral data like download, purchase history, browsing activity, email opens, and more. Companies can use contextual data like subscribers' location, device type, location, time and data, etc.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows managers to scale email campaigns and drive marketing results. With this software, marketers can reach customers with personalized messages, whether they are sending to ten contacts or 10 million. 

The software allows users to send emails with confidence. Users can preview and test messages before sending them to ensure quality in every email and establish guardrails to avoid test messages' accidental delivery.

Managers can automate email journeys, increase their team's efficiency, and make their job easier. The software makes it easy for users to set up a delivery schedule so that customers can communicate with their brand the way you want and without a heavy manual workload.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software helps companies to build one-on-one relationships with every customer. The software offers unmatched scalability and flexibility that enables marketers to manage large audiences amounting to millions. Companies can fine-tune and make rapid iterations to their email journey, run tests quickly to see what's working, what isn't, and improve each campaign.

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software allows marketers to analyze emails and track performance. With this software, companies can collect and analyze subscribers' data and gather results to optimize their email strategy and enhance performance. 

The software allows managers to measure both positive and negative metrics and understand performance after sending emails. Users can track positive and successful results like open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and deliverability rate—the higher the positive results, the better for companies.  

Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software also allows users to track and learn from negative results such as soft bounce rate, hard bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, etc. Companies can adjust their strategy based on what's not working to improve the success rate. 


Salesforce Email Studio email marketing software enables marketers to build and send personalized email newsletters and campaigns. With this software, companies can deliver transactional, promotional, and triggered messages, track and optimize emails to drive performance.