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Stata Features and Reviews
Stata Statistical Analysis software helps users from different disciplines with data exploration, visualization, reporting, and modeling.
Stata Statistical Analysis software is a fully integrated software that gives users complete control over their data. Users in disciplines like Biostatistics, Economics, Education, Public health, Medicine, Political science, Data Science, and Institutional research use this software for data exploration, statistics, visualization, manipulation, reporting, reproducibility, and modeling. Plus, Stata allows users to create custom visualizations like graphs.
Users can use this software to generate automated reports in Word, PDF, SVG, Excel, and PNG formats. Stata Statistical Analysis software integrates seamlessly with Python -- users can embed Python in their Stata code or interactively invoke it. This integration enabled users to pass results and data between Python and Stata with ease. Besides, users can use any Python package like Matplotlib, NumPy, Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, TensorFlow, and pandas within the software.
Stata Statistical Analysis software allows users to perform web scraping, numerical analysis, data visualization, and machine learning seamlessly. This software offers users documentation to help them during data management. Users can save and reproduce any commands they create for analysis at a later time. Also, users do not need to write commands and scripts to use Stata efficiently.
This software can scale with users as they grow, and it enables them to automate scripts and in-built procedures. Users can extend an automation script into a Stata command with ease. Stata Statistical Analysis software offers users an advanced programming language for panel data processing, complex matrices operation, and object-oriented programming. Additionally, users can use Java, C, and C++ plugins via a native API in their Stata programs.
Stata Statistical Analysis software runs on Linux/Unix, Mac, and Windows computers, but the licenses are not specific to any platform. Data scientists and Economists rely on this software to accomplish their data analyses and answer a comprehensive range of economic questions. Public health researchers and behavioral scientists use Stata to conduct program evaluations, investigate care variations, address health issues, cognitive research development, and develop measurement instruments.
Product Details
Stata Statistical Analysis software enables Data Scientists to incorporate statistical models and results in their workflows. Users can perform techniques like factor analysis, principal components, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis, and multidimensional scaling to group their data. Data Scientists can use latent class analysis to understand their data groups better. This software offers users nonparametric methods and regression models for supervised analysis. Plus, the Stata Statistical Analysis software automates simulations and replication methods for users.
Stata Statistical Analysis software allows users to analyze duration outcomes for survival analysis. Users can use this software to account for inherent complications in survival data and plot and estimate the probability of survival with time. Stata enables biostatisticians to use Cox, lognormal, and Weibull to model survival as a function of covariates. Besides, users can use this software for data group correlation.
Stata Statistical Analysis software helps users wrangle, visualize, and report data. Users can scrape data from the web, pull it in using SQL and ODBC, or import it from standard formats. This software allows users to link, reshape, sort, transpose, filter, append, and merge data with ease. Stata can handle multiple datasets, Unicode, regular expressions, and BLOBs, even when working with thousands of data points.
Stata Statistical Analysis software enables users to generate HTML files and Word documents with embedded Stata code, graphs, and output. Users can automate PDF, Excel, or Word reports with both programmatic access and export functionalities. This software allows users to generate charts and customize them interactively or programmatically. Also, users and export and print their data visualizations in SVG, PNG, PDF, EPS, PS, and TIFF formats.
Stata Statistical Analysis software enables economists to handle time-series data. Users can control autocorrelations, unit roots, common factors, and cointegrations on time-series data. Economists can use Stata to test for unit roots and compute and graph impulse responses. This software allows users to use ARFIMA, ARCH, ARIMA, GARCH, and Markov-switching models to analyze univariate time series. Additionally, users can analyze multivariate time series with structural VAR, VAR, multivariate GARCH, VEC, state-space models, and dynamic factor models.
Stata Statistical Analysis software allows users to interact with Python code and Stata code seamlessly. Users can interchange data between Python and the software and pass results back with ease. This software enables users to use any package in the Python library like Scrapy, NumPy, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib. Users can use Java, C++, and Python plugins to connect to external code. Plus, users can write custom SQL statements to populate or extract from databases.
Stata Statistical Analysis software helps users to use multiple imputations to account for missing data in their data sample. Users can select from multivariate and univariate methods to impute missing data values in binary, censored, continuous, categorical, count, ordinal, and truncated variables. This software allows users to use imputed datasets to estimate parameters. Besides, the Stata Statistical Analysis software supports different models like the hierarchical model, linear model, Poisson model, logit model, and survival model.
Stata Statistical Analysis software ensures that the code of users runs unaltered even after numerous updates. The graphs, dataset, programs, and scripts on this software are backward compatible and completely cross-platform. Users can perform model selection and prediction on this software with ease. This software helps users to account for covariates, provide estimates for their variables, and estimate effects and test coefficients. Also, users can write their own Stata commands and programs.
Stata Statistical Analysis software enables users to analyze the relationships between their covariates and their outcome variable. Users can estimate causal inferences from observational data with ease. Stata allows users to combine results from different studies to determine an overall effect. Additionally, users can use forest plots to visualize results and meta-regression to explore the heterogeneity of the study.
Stata Statistical Analysis software focuses on priding data visualization, modeling, manipulation, statistics, and reporting to users from multiple disciplines. This software allows users to manage different datasets simultaneously. Users can handle various types of data, like panel data, survey data, time-series data, survival data, categorical data, and multilevel data.